Oneida Health
321 Genesee Street
Oneida, NY 13421

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Kids HuddleThe primary care medical home, also referred to as the patient centered medical home (PCMH), advanced primary care, and the healthcare home, is a promising model for transforming the organization and delivery of primary care.

Verona Health Center is Oneida Health’s PCMH model for achieving primary care excellence so that care is received in the right place, at the right time, and in the manner that best suits a patient’s needs.  As a Medical Home, our practice has created teams of health professionals who work together to provide comprehensive and coordinated care to our patients. Our care is based on the latest scientific evidence, and we use technology, such as our electronic medical record, to help us better record and track your care.

Learn More: Medical Home Brochure

More locations coming soon!

At Oneida Healthcare, we are always working hard to provide you with exceptional care. We are pleased to announce that we will soon be adding three more PCMH locations for your convienence.